Five steps to help kick-start a healthy New Year

As we wave goodbye to 2017, most of us are wanting to kick-start 2018 feeling healthy and happy. Looking for some top tips on how to achieve this? You’ve come to the right place…

Eat more walnuts

Naturally nutritious California walnuts are known for their light, creamy flavour. Not only are they delicious, but a 30g handful is a rich source of omega-3 heart healthy fatty acids. In fact, Heart UK lists nuts (including walnuts) as one of six foods that actively help lower cholesterol. So don’t hold back and swap those choccy biccies for a wholesome snack on the go. And if you feel like getting creative in the kitchen, we have plenty of recipes to get you started.

Let’s get active

Your mood, your muscles, your performance at work – regular exercise pays off in many ways. The good news is, there are several activities you can explore to improve your lifestyle without disrupting your busy schedule, or the purse strings! Simple changes like standing at your desk for a while, or jumping off the bus early to incorporate more walking will help you reap the benefits.

Simple swaps

Getting healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up the foods you love. There are always alternatives you can try, so it doesn’t feel like you’re going totally cold-turkey! Try swapping white rice with cauli-rice, breadcrumbs with a crunchy walnut crust or rustle up a batch of our smoky rosemary and chilli walnuts for a tasty desk drawer snack so you can easily resist the 4pm biscuit round…

Take up yoga

Yoga is a great all-rounder as it not only has fantastic effects on your body, but does wonders for your mind and happiness. Whether you’re sweating it out in a Bikram class, or setting up your matt at home for a spot of Vinyasa, putting some ‘me’ time aside each week will leave you feeling zen and ready to take on whatever challenge is thrown at you next!

Happy thoughts

Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about being good to your body, but your mind too. You can eat the right foods and do plenty of exercise, but you need to make time for the things that truly make you happy. Surround yourself with people who make you feel great, find time for your favourite hobbies and banish negative thoughts so you can keep being the best version of you.