A handful of walnuts a day may enhance cognitive development in adolescents
A handful of walnuts a day may enhance cognitive development in adolescents Adolescent participants who followed a diet with walnuts showed improvements in attention functions, increases in functions related to ...

Adding Just a Small Handful of Walnuts Can Have Dietary Benefits for the Whole Family
Adding Just a Small Handful of Walnuts Can Have Dietary Benefits for the Whole Family New modeling research suggests adding just one ounce (28.35g) of walnuts to the typical American ...

New study suggests walnuts may fend off stress-related negative impacts in university students
New study suggests walnuts may fend off stress-related negative impacts in university students Walnut Consumption showed a protective effect against academic stress and the potential to improve sleep. Being a ...

Study Suggests Walnuts are Bridge to Better Health as We Age
Eating walnuts may reinforce positive health benefits including better diet quality and likelihood to be more active. Researchers who reviewed 20 years of diet history and 30 years of physical ...

Walnut Consumption and outcomes with Public Health Relevance
Walnut Consumption and outcomes with Public Health Relevance A new systematic review has been published in the journal Nutrition Reviews that analyses studies investigating associations between walnut consumption and outcomes ...

Study finds eating walnuts daily can help manage cholesterol in older adults
Study finds eating walnuts daily can help manage cholesterol in older adults A new study published in the journal Circulation found an association between regular daily walnut consumption and sustained ...

New Research from Harvard Explores Link Between Walnut Consumption and Life Expectancy
New Research from Harvard Explores Link Between Walnut Consumption and Life Expectancy Findings show a connection between regular walnut consumption and greater longevity, as well as reduced risk of death ...

New research shows that a green Mediterranean diet can reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by half, by reducing intrahepatic fat
New research*, supported by the California Walnut Commission, shows that a green Mediterranean diet can reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by half, by reducing intrahepatic fat. Non-alcoholic fatty liver ...

Harvard research links eating walnuts to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Harvard research links eating walnuts to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease Research carried out by machine learning revealed eating walnuts is associated with 19 different metabolites, ...

California Walnuts and American Heart Association Announce First Joint Funding Award
California Walnuts and American Heart Association Announce First Joint Funding Award New special funding opportunity supports early career scientists California Walnut Commission (CWC), a non-profit organization funded by mandatory assessments ...

New research suggests that a green Mediterranean diet may be even better for cardiovascular health and weight loss, than the traditional Mediterranean diet
New research suggests that a green Mediterranean diet may be even better for cardiovascular health and weight loss, than the traditional Mediterranean diet New research suggests that a green Mediterranean ...

Study shows walnuts may have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce risk of heart disease
Study shows walnuts may have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce risk of heart disease Findings from the largest and longest study exploring the benefits of walnuts show regular consumption in older ...