Power of 3!

Last month, hundreds of people from all around the globe – from India, to Spain to America – helped share the heart health benefits of California Walnuts and celebrated the Power of 3! (Omega-3 that is!)

From delicious recipes creations and interactive tasting events, to eye-catching branded taxis and exclusive collaborations, a whole host of activity took place to educate and inspire.

Here in the UK we enlisted the help of our friends (and fellow walnut fans)  Tales of Annie Bean, Veggie Desserts, and The Food Medic Dr Hazel Wallace, who shared the benefits of eating a handful of California Walnuts a day and created exclusive recipes. Activity also ran with health and lifestyle magazines, Health & Wellbeing, Healthy Diet and Hip & Healthy, and we can’t forget our bright and bold branded California Walnut taxi’s which travelled around the streets of London for the month of February. Did you see one?

A special thanks also goes to the heart-healthy charity HEART UK for supporting the campaign and celebrating the Power of 3 by hosting a cholesterol quiz on their website, to win some California Walnut goodies!

To everyone that got involved, we want to say a big THANK YOU in helping share the Power of 3! Here are some of the highlights:


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#repost @naoko_2156 ・・・ ❤︎プラリネチョコレートタルト❤︎ . カリフォルニアくるみ協会様( @californiakurumi )の 『The POWER of 3』キャンペーンに参加しています◡̈⋆* . カリフォルニアくるみは、オメガ3脂肪酸が含まれていて 毎日ひとつかみ(約30g)を食べると健康に良いそうです✦ . 今回は週に3つかみを目標に、カリフォルニアくるみを使った プラリネチョコレートタルトを作ってみました꒰ ¨̮͚ ꒱ . くるみのキャラメルプラリネがとにかく絶品♡ ほろっとしたブラウニーを流し込んだタルトの上にプラリネを乗せて焼き上げれば、 バレンタインや手土産にぴったりなスイーツの完成です♡ . #sharethepowerof3 #thepowerof3 #3のチカラ #くるみ3つかみ #オメガ3 #くるみバレンタイン #カリフォルニアくるみ #くるみ #pr

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