UK Newsletter

Autumn 2020.


When Covid-19 first began to engulf Europe, and some rushed to the supermarkets to stockpile, others hit the keyboards. Worldwide Google searches for ‘food delivery’ and ‘local food’ reached all-time highs in April. According to the BBC, in the UK, people were six times more likely to look for ‘veg boxes’ than a year ago. As the initial lockdown extended into July 2020, UK
shopping habits shifted to on-line, even in grocery, and some retailers saw as much as 39% of their grocery business being conducted on-line with home deliveries.

The demand for California Walnuts continues in the UK despite the initial effects
of COVID-19 on the UK economy. October was the second month of the new crop and shipments to the 31st October highlighted a year-on-year increase for ‘shelled’ California Walnuts of 124.86% to 1,251,718 pound (versus 556,657 in
2019/20). As of October 2020 the UK is the 4th largest market for California
Walnuts in Europe.

Read the full update in the newsletter.

For further information on California Walnuts, please make contact on 01628 535 755 or via email at